Real Women. Real Experiences.
A founding member of the Incompetent Cervix Awareness campaign, experienced 2 successful births after being diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. This is her success story and does not address the losses she suffered before being diagnosed.
Founding member of Incompetent Cervix Awareness group on Facebook, with over 8000 members, she has created a community of support for women suffering with incompetent cervix. This is her story.
Morgan’s family had a history of incompetent cervix but doctors brushed her off since there is no proof of a genetic relationship. Here is her story.
“Heartbroken mother, 20, says her twin girls died because doctors refused to offer her a procedure which may have stopped them being born at 22 weeks”
Jessica K
“Our world was shattered and our hearts were broken.”
“Because we knew what caused the early labor, our medical team had a plan in place for the hope of another pregnancy in the future.”
Victoria thought she was just going in for a possible infection. Instead, she would be faced with her son being born prematurely. Here is her amazing success story.
“Nobody talked about the fact that I had painless dilation. The night my baby came, as they wheeled my bed from antepartum to L&D…I asked my nurse, “Is not having real contractions a sign of incompetent cervix???? (I was in disbelief that I was in labor. It didn’t seem possible based on what I was feeling).” She said it was. “
“We asked to please just be told the gender of our baby. It was a girl! Elana was born weighing only 100g. The doctor mentioned very quickly that it might have been caused by an incompetent cervix but there is no way to know for sure and he also said it's unlikely because a woman with cervical incompetence tends to go into labour between 20 weeks and 24 weeks.”
“The week leading up to our loss, I had intense back pain, increased discharge & terrible migraines. I was brushed off and told to drink some caffeine & take Tylenol for the pain.”
‘Although my story was thankfully a success, the process you go through with an incompetent cervix is the same. I lived every single day in fear, worrying, "is this the day I lose my baby?" "will I go into labour today?".’ Read our ambassador Darcy’s story at the link below.
“The thing that upsets me now is the comments from people who do not understand what it's like to have IC... the 'at least baby is here and safe' or '36 weeks is OK, it could have been worse’” They don’t see the trauma that got us where we are now.
I was diagnosed with IC and while I felt relief that there was an answer my heart broke because had I been diagnosed with our first twin loss, we wouldn't be going through the pain of another twin loss.
“I lost my daughter to IC but also beat it with my rainbow baby.”
In regards to getting pregnant again after loss, “And it was going to be extremely scary and hard but that was the fight I was willing to fight and trail I withstood!!”
“I hope our story brings light to some dark situations”
“I wonder if I also had a cervical scan done earlier I would possibly have had early detection of the short cervix. Thus a cerclage could have been an option or bedrest earlier on. We have to advocate for ourselves.”