We're Fighting Incompetent Cervix Together

One of the most beautiful things happening in the campaign right now is the number of women already coming together to share their stories to help build better awareness. What started as a need to help just one other woman through my own experiences, is turning into something I could have only dreamed about. When I was first diagnosed with incompetent cervix I felt so alone and if it wasn’t for one of my oldest and dearest friends, I don’t know what I would have done. She had previously lost her son due to incompetent cervix and went on to beat incompetent cervix after a grueling time on hospital bedrest. Though she was on the west coast, she was the only support I had.

During that time, another one of my friends on the east coast was diagnosed as well. Same issues for her. She was all alone. No one she knew in her area even knew was IC was. It meant so much to me to be able to help her in any way I could half a country away from her, just as my dear friend had done for me. It was this support system that was able to help at least 2 women all from the experiences of 1. Can you even imagine what we could do if we don’t give up?

We’ve had at least 2 women via Instagram happily agree to share their stories with us, another 4 from Facebook have shown their support and also are sharing their stories with us. If the experience of 1 person across the country can help 2 women, I am so excited about the possibilities of the number of women WE can help all around the world.

So going forward, as these stories come in, we will be getting them posted on the Stories page. We will continue to reach out on social media to women who have stories they would like to share with us. We encourage each and every one of you reading this to share with your friends and family as well. Eventually, we would like to have another set of stories from the significant others or family members of women who have struggled with cervical weakness. It is so important to not only share our pain but also to show that this issue reaches many more people than just us. Our families suffer as well. They need support almost as much as we do.


ICAday T-Shirt Campaign


1 in 100 - Too Rare To Care