We Beat Ic!
Yesterday was our 3rd ICAday and it was truly a bittersweet day for the entire incompetent cervix community. I know for us here at the campaign, we were even more uplifted into sheer determination to never stop fighting for the awareness, the resources, and the support every last woman deserves. It was months before Covid hit that Maria had messaged and said she’d love to see something that honors her little warrior that beat IC with her.
As we further our memorial pages of all the sweet angels lost due to this terrible condition, we also want to do something to showcase the babies that made it. The last year has been so scary for a multitude of reasons but also for the mamas on bedrest who no longer have the option of family members coming to sit with them amongst so many others. So we want to show the mother’s currently just as scared as so many of us remember being, that they are not alone and it is possible to beat IC.
We would absolutely love for anyone who would like their rainbow and/or miracle babies included to send us just their first names (for privacy but if first and middle initial feel more personal that’s ok too) and you may include a birthday if you’d like. We will compile the names on a beautiful graphic that will be available for you to download very much like our memorial pages (which will be redesigned and reposted to include more angels) and then include those pages into a photo montage as well.
We are here for all of you IC Warriors, all of you IC Mama Army, every last family member touched by IC.
Feel free to email us icawarecampaign@gmail.com with your names or leave them in the comments below. And thank you so much for helping us spread awareness.